Our April meeting was supposed to be a hybrid meeting, However, when some of us arrived early to set up, we were told that we were once again bumped for a more important meeting. We were relocated to part of the associate break room. We also encountered technical issues which prevented connecting to the virtual aspect. And, only four Lions showed up. Obviously, finding another meeting place is growing more urgent.

We didn't have enough members in attendence to talk about planning a highway cleanup this spring. If you are still interested in that project, please contact SCOTT with the date you would prefer. This usually takes about two or three hours. We will need a minimum of four Lions and a maximum of nine. We will also have to have a discussion about selling roses. This has been our largest fund-raiser. Are you willing to sell and deliver flowers?

JIM has been working with an Isthmus conncection to garner some publicity for Random Tandem. He is arranging a photo-op tandem ride with BECKY, and is working on providing a second bike, which will be named the "SparkyMobile" in honor of Sparky Watts, an avid cyclist.

April is usually the month in which we elect officers to serve for the coming year. PHIL agreed to fill the President slot. We will need a Vice President. Since we are currently at 25 members, we discussed the possibility of reducing the size of the Board. It's hard to make official decisions when we don't have a quorum in attendence. If you are interested in any of the Board positions, please let that be known.

Our next meeting will be May 9. That is supposed to be a day when we can use the conference room at Festival. More information will be provided in the days before the meeting.

JIM is our coordinator for Bratfest volunteering, and has contacted Metcalf about the process of volunteering. The Bratfest will be May 22-24. You can volunteer online here. For each hour worked per person, MCLC will receive $10.00. You can volunteer for as many shifts as you like.For each hour worked per person $ 10.00 will be paid to MCLC.

Mike Leckrone will be speaking at the Madison West Lions meeting on June 14. He will be talking about COPA, a proposed visual and performing arts facility in Fitchburg. All Madison Lions are invited to attend. If you are interested, notify Rick Daluge (rhdaluge@wisc.edu). The cost for lunch is $11.

Our next blood drive will be on July 20, at Festival. Information on donating will be provided later. And if you can't donate, you can work to assist those who are donating. By sheer coincidence, July 20 is also the date of our Mallards fundraiser - BECKY has already sent information about that.

Upcoming Events:
• May 9 - MCLC Meeting