Our "Holiday Party" was held on March 14, and less than half of our members attended, including invited guests. We did have a good time, the food was good, everyone had a chance to talk to everyone else. If you missed it, you missed out.

Our next meeting will be April 11. The meeting will be both live at Festival and virtual via Meet. Since we did not hold a usual meeting in March, there will be a lot of items to cover, not least of which will be our officer election. Becky has said that she will step aside, giving someone else the opportunity to serve. We also will need a vice president, a position currently open. There are also two director positions open. We'll also be discussing the flower sale and the spring highway cleaning.

The LEBW is doing a health fair on April 15, and Lions will be assisting with vision screening. If you are interested in participating, contact Adam Crowson (acrowson@lebw.org) at the Eye Bank.

Mike Leckrone will be speaking at the Madison West Lions meeting on June 14. He will be talking about COPA, a proposed visual and performing arts facility in Fitchburg. Lions are invited to attend. If you are interested, notify Rick Daluge (rhdaluge@wisc.edu). The cost for lunch is $11.

Our next blood drive will be on July 20, at Festival. Information on donating will be provided later. And if you can't donate, you can work to assist those who are donating. By sheer coincidence, July 20 is also the date of our Mallards fundraiser - more information on that to come.

Upcoming Events:
• April 11 - Live/virtual meeting
• April 15 - LEBW Health Fair
• May 9 - MCLC Meeting