Our last meeting, with a decent number of people were in attendance, featured a nice presentation by Wendy Dwyer. "I can bike with a little help from my friends." She has started a program called Random Tandem, intended to allow those who are unable to ride to enjoy riding on a tandem bike. She missed biking, and tandem bikes are difficult to transport and store. The program allows stores to have a tandem bike available, and volunteers ready to pedal. 30% of people have an impediment that would prevent them from riding a bike alone. She's contacted a number of bike shops in Florida, and is willing to start the program here in Madison. Wendy would be willing to donate her tandem, and perhaps we could fund another. This could be a wonderful program for people to see what Lions can do for their community. There will be more information on our web site in the near future.

OUR NEXT MEETING will be June 14. According to the alignment of the stars and Google calendar, this will be a virtual-only meeting, on Google Meet http://bitly.com/MCLC-meeting. Get your computer or tablet ready at 11:30am for greetings and socializing. The Business meeting starts promptly at noon, so don't be late. The agenda has not been decided yet, but Board members are encouraged to attend.

Our Tale publisher is trying a different publishing schedule for the Tale. Back in the days when we met every week, the Tale was published on a Thursday or a Friday, so that our members who received the Tale at work could have ample time to plan for the next meeting. Of course, with meetings now on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, that means a long wait for those who missed a meeting to find out what happened. We will make an effort to have the Tale report on the meeting reasonably soon after the meeting, and reminders sent just before the next meeting.

Upcoming Events:
• June 12 - Celebration of Life for Glen Springs
• June 14 - Business Meeting
• June 15 - McFarland Food Cart Frenzy
• June 16 - McFarland Golf Outing
• June 28 - Program Meeting