OUR NEXT MEETING will be tomorrow, August 3, 2021. It will be a “hybrid meeting” - them as can, meet at Festival Foods at 11:30 AM (lunch at 11:00). Them as can’t, attend via Zoom. See the Zoom link here: http://bitly.com/MCLC-Meeting - or - here.

This will be a business meeting, and there will be stuff to discuss. First, probably, the multiple issues surrounding the time and place of our future meetings. The survey recently taken seems to have produced at least as many answers as there were survey subjects. DALE has partially summarized the replies, but unfortunately no simple consensus. COVID remains a menace, so it seems likely that Zoom meetings, in whole or in part, will still be with us for a while. Second, we need to re-invent our fund raising abilities. For obvious reasons. Bring your ideas.

Our Stuff The Bus project is only a few days away - a week from this Saturday, Aug. 14. We have banners but do we have a location? Only the Wizard knows. And the Wizard say’s “Your Madison HyVee Stores!” (Ignore the man behind the curtain!) For the uninformed, this is where we station a school bus near a supermarket and ask for donations of school supplies, or $$$ to purchase school supplies, for Madison students whose families lack the resources to properly equip them for school. For some it is hard to believe, but we DO have students in the Madison system who can’t afford pencils or notebooks or whatever the current student standard equipment is. No, the school system does not provide these supplies. For that matter, there are students who come to school with little or no breakfast and no lunch. COVID has made everything worse, as many workers have been laid off without pay. There is never a time when Lion Service is not needed - our task is to find effective ways to apply the resources we have. There is also the fact that we have fewer hands to do stuff than we have had for a long time. Selling light bulbs door to door, as the Editor remembers doing, doesn’t make much in the way of results.

We have much to consider, much to plan, and a couple things to do. Attend the meeting one way or another, and put in your three cents worth. (Inflation is everywhere.)

The recent MCLC-sponsored blood drive went well. A complete report will be given at the meeting. Thanks to those who serve(d).

Upcoming Events:
• August 3 - Business Meeting
• August 3 - Zone Meeting
• August 7 - Brat Fry Fundraiser
• August 7 - Stuff the Bus - Oregon
• August 7 - Mt Horeb Golf Outing
• August 14 Stuff the Bus - Madison
• August 15 - Janesville Chicken Roast
• Sept 9-11 2021 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum - Des Moines, IA in person - https://lionsforum.org/

2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Committee members: JOHN (chair), MICHELLE, LINDA, PHIL, JODI
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30, -- w/ VP Brian Sheehan
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.