OUR NEXT MEETING will be Tuesday, July 6. Festival Foods has agreed to let us resume our meetings in their conference room. Fortunately, this means that we can get back to “normal” meetings. Unfortunately, they need the conference room back at 12:30. We're hoping to have a hybrid meeting - in person for those who can get there, and Zoom for those who can't. The current plan is to start lunch (on your own, from the deli) at 11:00, meeting to start at 11:30, and be done by 12:30. This will be a business meeting, and there are important decisions that will need to be made.

Bruce Voight was our guest speaker, and gave a thorough talk about the McFarland Food Cart Frenzy. This is the 4th year for McFarland Lions, and it's going well. Four years ago, $20,000 was needed for centennial projects and McFarland Lions needed more funding. “Let's Eat Out” took care of permitting and lining up the food carts, and that worked well until they went out of business. Then, McFarland Lions had to do it on their own, arranging for season permits from McFarland. All of the participating food carts already had permits for Madison. Food carts give 15% to 20% of their profits for the event as a DONATION. Lions coordinate the location of the carts and setup/cleanup. Four or five people can do it all. Last year (COVID), wasn't as successful, but raised $1500 total for “take out” event(s). Bruce will share the list of food carts and contact info (20). Last year, they had 5 carts per night.

Each event runs 5:00 to 7:00, and carts arrive around 4:00. Music from 1962 is played, the year the club organized. Lions are responsible for cleanup afterwards, visiting with people, passing out club business cards, selling summer raffle tickets, and holding the drawing at the last event. After each event, a Lion collects the “Donation” from each food cart. 200 people were at the May event, and usually 300 people are at each event. The location is Arnold Larson Park - Downtown McFarland, two blocks down the street from the High School, the Gazebo Park. Advertisng is on Facebook and Nextdoor, plus some signs at businesses, plus an electronic board at the High School, plus the village calendar. Banners and yard signs supplement the advertising.

(At least) one of our MCLC Lions tested the Fest on the Wednesday following our meeting, had an opportunity to chat with some of the McFarland Lions, and was favorably impressed with the take-home dinner.

2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Committee members: JOHN (chair), MICHELLE, LINDA, PHIL, JODI
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30, -- w/ VP Brian Sheehan
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.

(Other) Upcoming Events:
• July 6 - Business Meeting
• July 10 - Brat Fundraiser - Black Earth
• July 10 - Lions Eye Bank Project
• July 20 - MCLC Program Meeting
• July 21 - McFarland Food Cart Frenzy (3rd Wednesday of the month)
• July 24 - LEBW Transporter Training
• July 25 - Cabinet Meeting
• July 27 - Blood Drive
• Sept 9-11 2021 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum - Des Moines, IA in person - https://lionsforum.org/