OUR NEXT MEETING will be Tuesday, June 1, at 12:00 noon. On Zoom, which is the current usual. That last statement is probably something for discussion at one of the upcoming Board meetings, because the iron grip of the pandemic on all activities, including ours, seems to be loosening. At some point we will need to either start scheduling in-person meetings, somewhere, or else commit to permanent virtual meetings on one electronic platform or another. The current situation was arrived at by a series of actions forced by circumstances which are now changing. Thankfully. Festival Foods is examining their conference room policies, and will let us know when they feel safe.

Being the first meeting of the month, the label is “Business Meeting.” There was a lot of business at the last meeting, including confirming PP JODI as our delegate to the International Convention. The Convention is scheduled to be virtual, which should be interesting. Participation in a National Convention is an experience that broadens your horizon as a Lion - the presenters are worth hearing, and pageantry and the conversations with other Lions from far-off are impressive. Your Editor has had that experience twice, and it is something every Lion should try to do. There is a spirit and emotion to it that you don't find anywhere else.

There will be a Central Madison Red Cross Blood Drive on July 27th at Hotel Indigo From noon to 5:00 PM. Our Club is one of the sponsors, and BECKY FRAIRE, SCOTT GROVER and PHIL INGWELL have volunteered to assist as hosts and traffic managers. If you'd like to join them, check with SCOTT or BECKY.

Our last meeting was supposed to be a Program Meeting, but there was a schedule mix-up, and so the speaker will take another shot at it at our next Program Meeting, on June 15. We will hear about McFarland's experience with food carts, a subject that comes up a lot lately because of COVID.

It was reported that three of our Club members, JODI BURMESTER, DALE BURMESTER AND TOM STEVENS, have received Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowships, which occurs when additional donations are made in their name for the $1,000 amount required to receive the MJF.

We had budgeted $1,500 for a donation to Restoring Hope Transplant House. Following a discussion, the Board raised the amount to $2,000 and approved the sending of the check.

2022 MCLC 100 Year - Centennial Observation
Committee members: JOHN (chair), MICHELLE, LINDA, PHIL, JODI
Sunday May 22, 2022 - cash bar and dinner at 6:30, -- w/ VP Brian Sheehan
Madison Marriott West - main ballroom.

(Other) Upcoming Events:
• June 1 - Business Meeting
• June 5, 12, 19, 26 - Deerfield Lions at Farmers Market
• June 15 - Program Meeting
• June 16 - McFarland Lions Food Cart Frenzy
• May 18 - Program Meeting