Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at noon. Our “virtual” on-line meeting will use the same Zoom link as previously, or https://causetheworld.zoom.us/j/424641535?pwd=WXExbzFYa1dxdmY2elFubmU4MlhHQT09. Guests are always welcome!

It's possible that the program might involve “Living With Hearing Loss”, and TERRY might be tagged as a presenter. He responds, saying “Well, I have the experience to do that. But the title would be ‘Living With Hearing Loss - Yours or Theirs’. And it would be on the short side.”

At our last business meeting, Tailtwister BECKY reminded us to sell, sell, sell, - candy and nuts. Buy, buy, buy works as well. The key link is https://mclc.terrilynn.com/, (also shown on the home page of our web site). Buy for yourself, buy for a friend, tell someone, spread the word. BECKY recommended the dark chocolate cranberries.

Sadly, our membership has declined to 29, with the recently reported deaths of DALE MUELLER and SPARKY WATTS.

In 2022, MCLC will celebrate our 100 Year Centennial. Committee members are JOHN (chair), MICHELLE, LINDA, PHIL, and JODI. Plans are in the works, with a celebration hopefully not virtual.

We discussed choosing delegates for 2021 27D1 District Convention. PID PHIL, PDG JOHN, and PDG JODI are automatic choices. We are allotted one for every ten members. BECKY, MICHELLE, and DALE were chosen. Since the Convention will be virtual (notice the trend?), there will not be a fee. Details on registration will follow. Consider attending.

Pres DALE asked us to think about our upcoming Officer elections. The current slate is: President - DALE BURMESTER (looking forward to being Past President), Vice President - WENDI DWYER, Secretary and LCIF Director - JOHN JENSON, Treasurer - SCOTT GROVER, Tail Twister - BECKY FRAIRE, Membership Chair - CRAIG BUTLER, Directors - 2020-2022 terms for PHIL INGWELL and ROSS ROYSTER, 2019-2021 terms for MIKE KNOLTON and Vacant (DALE MUELLER). Currently, the Past President is Vacant. If you are interested in any of the positions, contact DALE. As you can see, our Board is one third of our current membership.

Tailtwister BECKY is interested in the Peace Poster project. She will report more information at our next meeting.

Guest Jim Fletcher (Zone Chair and Verona Lion) talked about Verona's food drive at the Millers Market grocery store. They will hand out a “request” list at the entrance, and will also be taking Square dollar donations. SCOTT will look into seeing if we can help meet the growing demand. We also learned that the Winners Circle club is going to plunge down Tyrol Basin via innertube instead of the usual "wet" Polar Plunge this year, They will be looking for donations for the “Plunging Panthers”.

Upcoming Events:
• February 16 - Program Meeting
• February 20 - Verona Lions Food Drive
• February 24 - No Lion Left Behind
• March 2 - Business Meeting
• March 7 - Cabinet Meeting