This is a Tale of Whoa, because,


This was to be our Business Meeting for November, but there appears to be no business requiring discussion or action at this time. And Pres. DALE can't be there to preside, either, so the regularly scheduled meeting will not be held. The pandemic has eroded everybody's schedules, and now MCLC is added to the list. The second November meeting is still scheduled for Nov.17 as usual, two weeks from now. It should be noted that this is nothing historic - we've cancelled meetings in the past for various reasons.

BECKY FRAIRE has been working up programs during this most unusual time in one way or another, and a present theme has been “What You Don't Know About Me,” featuring some of our own Club members. Some of this is the stuff we used to learn while conversing over lunch, but the virus has put a temporary hold on that, and so we will Zoom in on each other. Certainly there are unique and special things in the lives of those we know that can be fun to talk about.

Last meeting's Special Lion was our devoted Treasurer, SCOTT GROVER. It turns out that SCOTT is a big fan of Halloween, and so those in attendance found out about the special effects SCOTT employs to celebrate the day. Word has it that he had some special assistants, but the Editor missed seeing them, so if you missed it you too will have to imagine just how spooky our Treasurer can be when the occasion calls for it. Sadly, this year the virus shut down the “Trick or Treaters”, and so his efforts were largely unseen.

We'll take another shot at it in two weeks. Stay with us.

• November 17 - Program Meeting
• December 1 - Business/Board Meeting