Next Meeting - Tuesday, June 2, 11:00 AM socializing, and meeting at 11:30 or thereabouts, in the new digital, on-line ZOOM format. Presumably the technical connection details will follow, from one of our internet wizards.

In this alternate universe we all seem to be living in, this will be a business/Board meeting. Since almost everything we know and love has been cancelled or postponed, except maybe lunch, it is difficult to predict what will occur at this “virtual” meeting, but surely there will be something. Just another “what are we up to” puzzle to be solved.

Another reminder from TailTwister BECKY - Our Assignment: One sentence and email to BECKY before the meeting: what positive change have you made that you will continue when we are allowed to socialize? Also: one thing that no one else knows about you … send to:

We know, because we saw pictures to prove it, that our Roadside Cleanup went off on schedule, no mean feat these days.We have not heard of any unusual finds, which is probably a good thing. It is proof that, in our newly unlocked world, our service business is picking up. Presumably, there will be a list forthcoming of the valiant members who participated, which would be one legitimate agenda item for tomorrow's meeting.

At our last meeting, JULIE BAGLAMA, of the Madison/Monona Lioness Club, told us more about the Bayview Meals project that we are about to begin. The Triangle/Bayview Ministry organizes volunteers to serve meals once/week via this program. Served are disabled and low-income residents.

We are told that 50-60 people are usually served. We will bring the food in.The facilities on-site are too small to prepare the meals there. Some diners have dental issues. They like salads and vegetables. Tully's (licensed commercial kitchen) is willing to give us meals for reasonable cost! 12-15 people will be needed. Half will be serving and half will be socializing, then half-way through we switch. Due to COVID, we may not be able to serve buffet style - we may need to bring box meals. The cost is ikely to be around $300 split between MCLC and Madison/Monona Lioness. We may also collect art supplies and/or personal items to donate.

Hopefully, this will be one of the items discussed at tomorrow's meeting, to further define our participation, in terms of both money and people. This should prove to be a valuable service for us.