Next Meeting - For the first time in the Editor's memory (not that that proves anything), we announce that THERE IS NO NEXT MEETING! Not on March 17, 2020, anyway. The current pandemic situation has done what years of District Governor's Visits could not, caused the cancellation of our scheduled Program Meeting for March. It will be a fair amount of time before the scheduled first meeting in April, and we have to wait to see what the situation is then.

The current situation includes, among other things: Festival Foods has closed the room we have been using to all groups, the speaker previously scheduled has become unavailable, the District Convention has been cancelled, and in “an abundance of caution”, Pres. DALE has cancelled the meeting. Considering that the “authorities”, whoever they are at the moment, have advised avoidance of visiting places where people come, go and congregate, if you can, this is obviously the right course to follow. We'll have to look at future meetings on a “day to day” basis.

As far as the Editor is concerned, “cancel” is one “L” and “cancellation” has two. The autocorrect is fighting me on that, and these days that means the “Delete” key is getting a pounding. It turns out there are autocorrects everywhere - you can squelch some of them but some seem to have an independent existence of their own.

Some of our Lions continue to serve in ways unheard of before the computer revolution. Lion WENDI DWYER has run into barriers in State of Wisconsin computer pages that make them hard to use, and has a campaign going to clean things up that attracted the attention of Madison Channel 3 recently. See the story at:

In other service news, we have assisted with Children's Vision Screening - assisted Madison West at Westside Christian, 67 screened kids, Pardeeville at Pardeeville Middle School, screened 137 kids, and Oregon/Brooklyn, 53 kids. The District has screened 8,374 kids since July 1. This is one of the most important things we do, because every now and then we find someone who has a problem that can be dealt with now but will be immensely worse later, and we can get them to treatment while there is still time.

Lions Clubs International provides recognition, mostly in the form of little chevrons to wear with your pin, for length of Lion service in 10 year increments. For this year, Madison Central has:
September 2019: Gail Stirr 10
March 2020: Scott Grover 20
April 2020: Richard Watts 25
May 2020: Jeffrey Schneider 10
June 2020: Michael Knowlton 10

Officer Elections were discussed at our last meeting. We will have voting at our next meeting (whenever that may occur). Those to be considered are:
Board: PHIL and ROSS (DALE M and MIKE K will serve 2nd of 2 year terms)
Membership: CRAIG
Tailtwister: BECKY
Treasurer: SCOTT
Secretary: JOHN
President: DALE.

Officer training has been scheduled for April, subject to change.

Flowers! - Felly's - same price as last year.
I know you're all geared up and anxious to start selling flowers! After all, this is our biggest (and almost only) fund-raiser. Good news! All of the information you will need can be found on our website, using the “Flowers” link in the menu at the top of the home page. There's links to an online order form, PDF print-your-own order form, and a PDF flyer. Delivery date is set for April 20, and Felly's would like to know the total order numbers by the end of March. Think Roses.