Next Meeting - Tuesday June 4, 2019, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM. This is our Business Meeting for June. Likely business will include update on Aug. trip to Lions Camp. Not much else going on at the moment, but no doubt someone will think of something. There are a couple of Golf Outings coming up, for those inclined to pursue small white balls over the river and thru the trees, bushes and all types of grass and other landscape features, flailing at them with odd-shaped instruments and uncertain results.

At the last meeting, it was reported that PDG and Council Chair Lion JODI did not win the District 27 endorsement for International Director. This is a major disappointment for all of us, but it does not diminish the amount of effort that Lion JODI has given or the results she has secured. Lion service endures, regardless of boards, offices and such, and it endures because of energetic and enthusiastic individual Lions like JODI.

MadiSUN program manager, Sam Dunaiski, provided an interesting program on the current situation in various means of energy production, focusing on solar power.

A lot to consider here - the future probably has solar panels on the roof overhead for many of us.

Calendar for June:
• June 6 - Lions Eye Bank Golf Outing
• June 8 - Boscobel Lions Golf Outing
• June 18 - Program Meeting
• June 19 - McFarland Lions Food Cart Frenzy
• June 20 - McFarland Lions Golf Outing
• June 25 - Board Meeting
• July 5-9 - LCI International Convention in Milan, Italy
• July 13 - Fitchburg Lions Beer stand at Festival of Speed - looking for help