Next Meeting - Tuesday March 5, 2019, on the Mezz at Festival Foods, at 11:30 AM as usual. This is our Business Meeting for March (never mind that it feels like January - we had that one.) There is always business to discuss, and we have stuff in the works like the Scavenger Hunt, visit to Lions Camp, our Rose Sale, Highway Cleanup, and a couple of Conventions, and an Office Election. A full plate - hope we have a large number of participants. No winter jokes about this one - this weather is no longer funny.

One very important part of our Lion service is going on right now. March is one of our Tissue Transport months for the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin. If you are on the transporter list, this is your heads-up for calls from the Dispatcher. If you're not on the list but would like to be, contact SCOTT GROVER. Note that the Eye Bank has moved to a new location.

At our last meeting it was noted that several length-of-service awards have arrived -MELISSA NOVINSKI and DALE MUELLER, 25 years (with MCLC); GLENN SCHAEFER and TERRY SCHAR, 60 years.

The Drinks With The Easter Bunny event was cancelled, due to a number of conflicts and schedule problems.

Rose Day is April 22. Order blanks are available on our web site (see Flowers in the menu).

A visually-impaired Lion is moving to Madison, arriving March 12, and needs a hand with unloading.

Our Program featured Sue Nelson from the Braille Library (courtesy ADAM). She brought a number of books with braille, including a number of children's books (handy for blind adults reading to seeing children). Sue explained how letters are formed, using a 6-dot system. Small words have unique 6-dot formations as well. Books can be printed totally in braille (Seabiscuit, for example). Books can have braille added over the written words via clear sticker, useful for children's books with images. USPS delivers any braille book for free.

Last year, BLTS produced 36,000 pages of material, using a total of 15 certified “braillists”. They provide services to anyone in the US and Canada.

Calendar for March:
• March 9 - Cycle for Sight
• March 9-10 - 27-D1 convention in Middleton, WI
• March 19 - Program Meeting
• March 29 - NESCO Senior Health Fair
• April 13 - Breakfast with the Bunny (Oregon)
• April 22 - Roses Delivery
• May 17-19 - MD27 State Convention in WI Dells, WI