Next Meeting, Tuesday, June 16, at the Coliseum Restaurant & Bar, at noon. Our speaker for that day will need no introduction, which is fortunate, because the Program Host, CRAIG BUTLER, will be OOT. Again. But he used his wide-ranging skills to locate an outstanding program, and we will hear PHIL INGWELL, describing his recent trip to Washington D.C. on the Badger Honor Flight. We know a lot about this well-deserved recognition of our military veterans, but this time we'll hear about it from an honoree, not an organizer. There will be no shortage of Lions willing to introduce PHIL.

We have a bulletin from MELISSA NOVINSKI, the numbers-cruncher who keeps all the records of our Rose Day Sale: ALL THE MONEY IS IN!! This has to be a record early completion of this project, and many thanks go to our demon salesLions, who not only made the sale but collected the cash! Importantly, we made about $3,398 for our Service Fund. Great job, all!!

SCOTT GROVER recently send an APB on Farm Tech Days. This event, in August, offers an opportunity for us to volunteer at refreshment stands, for which the sponsoring entity will pay an hourly wage. It's like what we used to do at UW sports, but this is a one-shot deal. If you are interested in participating, go right to the volunteer form at Lots of volunteers are needed, but there are few open spots left.

At our last meeting, we had a crowd (relatively speaking) so that the last two arrivals had to start their own table. They did get served one of the menu lunches, and we were glad to have them. Those in attendance included our two newest members, DALE BURMESTER and BETTY INGWELL, together with their respective spouseLions, JODI and PHIL. Many hands make light work.

Pres. JACK ran the meeting, and when he reached for the gavel and the bell, the editor quickly switched off the hearing aids. Had to turn them back on when the formalities began, tho. SCOTT filled us in on the aforementioned Farm Tech Days, and 2nd Vice District Governor-elect (there's a title for you) JODI BURMESTER had a string of announcements, keeping us informed about what's going on:

Save Sight Night at the Mallards is next week. Minimum participation involves buying a $15 ticket, which gets you a good seat, a cap, and a $5.00 contribution to Lions service funds. Food deals are also available.There is a volunteer signup form at Funds raised will go toward projects like our Eyeglass Grants.

Stuff The Bus begins with collection of donations on Aug. 8. We have a new corporate sponsor, HyVee, and there will be collection points at all three stores. On Aug. 15, there will be a session to sort the donated supplies. JODI will know where that will be, if you can help. There is a volunteer signup form at

The District is in process of organizing a new Winners Circle Lions Club. It is intended to include people with disabilities as members, to give them a new option for their time and effort, and Madison Central is one of the co-sponsoring Clubs. There will be opportunities for service in participation in their activities, and in financial assistance for prospective members for whom cost would be a barrier. Talk to JODI. Treasurer SCOTT says he'll gladly do the bookkeeping if any MCLC Lion wants to financially sponsor a Winners Circle Lion member.

It turns out that there are at least 5 members of the former Madison Evening Lions Club who aren't giving up. They are going to keep that Club afloat, and are looking for new members to join them. Meetings will be at suppertime on the 4th Wednesday of every month. JODI can tell you where.

Sec. JOHN JENSON is making a list of locations where MCLC members have Used Eyeglasses Collection boxes in place. HAL OTTERBACK lives on in Lion service - we are still getting calls on full boxes at locations he managed, but we're not sure where all of them are. Please tell JOHN about any you know about, even if you didn't put them there.

Pres. JACK noted that we are always seeking new fund-raising ideas. We need something that will pique the interest of the younger generation, both for fund-raising and for membership. If you know of an activity that is successful for another organization, let's talk about it to see if we can borrow, or build on, their idea.