Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 19 - AT NOON - At the Sheraton. Our Program Host for that day is JOHN JENSON, and the program will feature Cindy Herbst, Executive Director of the Restoring Hope Transplant House. The Restoring Hope Transplant House is the newest statewide Lions project. She will be updating the Club on what is happening at the House in Middleton and also talk about the capital campaign that was recently announced.

At the last meeting, which was early on the day when heavy snow was predicted, about nine hardy Wisconsin Lions defied the elements and assembled at the usual time and place, just as the snow began to fall. The breakfast meetings are “business only”, but by the sound of it this one was really all business. Pres. LINDA led off by announcing a review of our dues structure, to recognize the fact that some of our members (the Editor included - my alarm clock goes off 30 min. after the starting time) are not going to make the early hour and therefore miss that meal. Sounds like more work for the Treasurer. No doubt the Board will come up with a solution.

Rose Day is scheduled for April 22, and JIM SCHUTZ is heading the effort. And it is an effort, because our previous supplier is out of business, and so we are talking to Felly's. Plan is to keep prices and product the same as last year, and the Sheraton has agreed to provide a room for our depot. Order forms and info are already up on the website, and the printed stuff should be ready at the next meeting.

JACK HEIM reported on the Diabetes Awareness event , to take place on March 26 at the Goodman Center, 149 Waubesa Street. The event is scheduled from 11:00am to 7:00pm (including setup and cleanup). We need volunteers to set up and take down, and to work in shifts during the day. That is the same day as our next Board meeting. There will be Diabetes screening and an adult vision screening (if you help with the vision screening, this would be good training for our next adult vision screening on May 10.)

SCOTT GROVER said the Concession Stand project is finally over for this year. A special “thank you” to JOHN JENSON, for his work as manager, and record-holder for participation (19 games). Other MCLC participants were: Linda Bergren (7), David York (7), Dale Burmester (4), Jodi Burmester (4), Gail Stirr (3), Erin Burmester (1), Phil Ingwell (2), Charlie Liberty (2), Tricia Liberty (2), Debbie Mahaffey (2), Doug Mahaffey (2), Melissa Novinski (2), Rick Stirr (2), Craig Butler (1), Paddhe Heinen (1), Jeff Schneider (1), and Heidi York (1). Lions from our East Club were: Hank Pullett (4), Joyce Fox (2). Obviously a family effort in lots of cases - thanks to all, for the service given to the community. Other Lions Clubs that participated and will share in the revenue: Fitchburg, Madison West, Madison West Leos, McFarland Lioness, Token Creek, and UW Madison.

JODI promised to help unload LINDA's remaining inventory of Holiday Treats, at the Convention, which is a relief. Of course, if you need a Malted Milk Ball fix, a quick call to LINDA would probably work. There were some nuts left, too. (Besides those in the general membership.)

Wisconsin winter or no, we are transporting eye tissue during the month of March. If you are called to make a transport run, try to take a friend with you. It's a chance to see Lionism in action, and also to have a conversation about Club membership.

Further Gems from the Internet: Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

The 50-50 Rule: Anytime there is a 50-50 chance you'll get something right, there is a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

It is said that if you line up all the cars in the world end-to-end, someone from California will be stupid enough to try to pass them.

If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.

Mark your calendars - Adult Vision Screening - May 10 - 8:30am-12:00pm - NESCO - Warner Park - we need volunteers to assist.