Next Meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 6 -Our speaker will be Ruth Shelly, Executive Director of the Madison Children’s Museum. They are in the process of remodeling a building on the North corner of the Square into a new location for their Museum and it will be interesting to hear what they are planning. JIM BRADLEY is the Program Host, and he knows the past history of the location. He says Montgomery Ward’s store was there originally - your editor doesn’t remember back past their location on State St. And there have been offices, and the headquarters of the Armed Forces Institute, which offered correspondence courses to those in military service during WWII. We think this makes three museums on the Square. All are worth a visit - don’t miss what’s in your own front yard.

Our Program Chairperson for the coming year is MICHELLE VETTERKIND. If you know of a good speaker, or a timely subject, let her know. It’s not that easy to find them these days, so give her some help.

Last Time - Pres. JODI opened the meeting, LINDA BERGREN herded the assembly through the song, and the Pledge was said, perhaps with a few less unnecessary commas. SCOTT GROVER gave the invocation. There were no guests.

JODI handed out the new print Directories, one of the earliest publications on record. Proves that if you need something done, give it to a busy person. She has more deadlines to meet than Lee Enterprises, or whoever the publisher of our local paper, and others in the Midwest, is this week.

Donning yet another of her many hats, District Public Relations Chairperson JODI announced that our District has received a matching grant from Lions International for a series of informational items to be broadcast on WTDY (1670) and Magic 98 (98FM). The spots will run from Oct. 12 to Nov. 22 and each week will feature a Lion service - Lions Answer The Call, Used Eyeglass Collection, the Eye Bank Cornea Express, Diabetes Awareness, Children’s Vision Screening and Lions Camp. All of which should make Lions more visible and better known for what we do.

JODI also reported a donation from our Club to WLF in memory of June Miller. The Board also acted on a request for support from Leader Dogs. There have been 584 of them placed in Wisconsin. JODI said there is an opportunity for 7 or 8 Lions to visit Italy for a week next Spring. You’ll have to ask her for the details on that one.

Treasurer MELISSA ABBOTT noted that the1st (Lion) Quarter dues bills have gone out, and in the manner of treasurers everywhere urged prompt payment. Concession Stand Chairman SCOTT GROVER thanked those who had worked so far this season and asked everyone to ‘get in the game” and keep coming. The more volunteers our Club has, the more money we raise. Eye Bank Cornea Express dispatcher JIM KEMMETER reported 15 transports in Sept. so far - he now has 39 couriers ready to ride. For a hands-on activity that is also a vital service, you can’t beat this one.

The Health Fair at Leopold School, which we will have a part in, will be on Oct. 10. Volunteers will be needed - contact JOHN JENSON. The Fall Work Day at Lions Camp will be Oct. 24 - another chance for hands-on effort in helping with closing down the summer activities, putting away the boats, policing the area, etc.

LINDA BERGREN will once again oversee our Holiday Treat Sale, with our legendary fruit cakes and other goodies - nuts, trail mix, chocolate cranberries (!), malted milk balls, etc. The order blanks were handed out - Linda has more if you need them - and she wants them back quickly so she can get the order in.

Our annual Club Awards Celebration will be at the Edgewater on Tuesday, Oct. 27th. Spice, (editor’s plural of spouses) and guests will be welcome.

One-liners of the week - “half the people you meet are below average.” “A clear conscience is often the sign of a bad memory.” “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” “Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don’t have any film (or megapixels.)” “All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.” “The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.”

Plan Ahead! Part of the Kohl Center Basketball schedule is available. We need your help! Volunteer now for the games you can work.

What's happening at the Edgewater? Read this WSJ story and find out.

Pomo on Golf - watch this video.