Well, here we go again, for another New Year. Of course, our Lion year started in July, but the rest of the world has now caught up. Our first meeting, though, won't be until Jan.15, because of the holidays, and that one will feature our VP SANDY SOBEK LESLIE, kicking off the Rose Day Sale, and disclosing more plans for our future fundraising activities. If you read any of the Lion publications you see the word "change" on every page, and like every Lion level from International on down, we are rethinking what we do in order to improve what is working and discard what is not. At that meeting we will have a "First" - we will induct Karen Al-Ashkar as our Club's first "family member."

Also featured will be our new college grad, MICHELLE VETTERKIND, and her revolving birthday party for Lions with service anniversaries in November, December and January. JAN CICHOCKI, DON NEVIASER, MELISSA NOVINSKI, CRAIG BUTLER, PETE AARSVOLD, JOHN JENSON, JERRY HODDINOTT, AL GOLDSTEIN, and THAYER BURNHAM, who is celebrating 60 years of Lion service!

Speaking of secrets, no one has yet identified the Lion pictured on the cover of the Dec. 1993 Wis. Lion magazine. And that member is now on our Board of Directors! Surely the size of the potential Tail Twister fine for forgetfulness has grown. As the picture caption says, he is smiling, but WHO IS HE?

At our last meeting, Pres. DON opened the meeting, with a comment that "at today's prices, coal might not be so bad" for Christmas. LINDA BERGREN led the song, substituting "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" for the usual, and ROSS ROYSTER gave the invocation. We welcomed back two Lions from their hospital stays - WALT PRIDHAM and JOHN JENSON. Good to see them up and about! They contributed a lot to our attendance, which was about 26 people. Lions, get to the meetings!!!

The program went on early - a group of 16 singers, some with Santa hats or reindeer antlers, the "Blue Notes" from McFarland High School, who entertained us with music mostly related to the holiday season, but in modern form. Your editor recognized most of the words, but the tempos and harmonies were different. These young people were spending the day in performance, for us and for some of the McFarland elementary and middle schools, and it's always a treat to watch the enthusiasm and talent these groups and their teachers bring to their performances. LINDA BERGREN got us the program.

LINDA also announced that the Holiday Treat Sale stock was down to the last few fruit cakes, and the ever-popular malted milk balls, and the sale had gone well. We need to take these last few items off her hands, and if you've made sales, please turn in your money to LINDA or MELISSA NOVINSKI. LINDA also has tickets to the annual Hospice Care raffle - $5 each.

Sec. and Vice District Governor JOHN JENSON formally presented the plaques and letters to the Lions we honored at our Awards Night - Melvin Jones Fellowships to SAL AL-ASHKAR and LINDA BERGREN and a Birch-Sturm Fellowship to SCOTT GROVER. These are the highest honors for service awarded by Lions Clubs International Foundation and the Wisconsin Lions Foundation to Lions our Club has nominated in recognition of their service.

VP JODI BURMESTER reported that we have some Lion bowling shirts coming. Apparently not only for bowling, but for other MCLC activities in lieu of the traditional yellow vests which some of our unenlightened members can't bring themselves to wear.

JODI also noted that we have a "Walk For Sight" scheduled for March 29 at East Towne Mall. More information on this one will be coming, but it is our effort to join the "event" fundraisers which seem to be currently popular, and present fewer difficulties than product sales.

SAL AL-ASHKAR noted that we are working on a partnership with the Wis. Kidney Foundation to run some diabetes/kidney disease screening sessions. It will require about 15 people to make it work, for a two-hour training session and a six- hour daytime screening. Volunteers are needed, more info later.

MCLC Lions "ringing the bell" for the Salvation Army - DALE MUELLER, SCOTT GROVER, PHIL INGWELL, JERRY MILLER, LINDA BERGREN, DAN STOUDT and TERRY SCHAR. Did some good and had some fun at the same time! BOB BOHN made the arrangements.

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