Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 5 - Summer’s over, no matter what the calendar says, and our Fall schedule begins. The speaker is Madison West Lion DALE BRUHN, your Editor’s sponsor when he belonged to MCLC. He will talk about “Living With Alzheimer’s,” a subject with which he is painfully familiar. Almost all of us know someone who is contending with this very difficult subject, and DALE will offer a great deal of helpful information. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host.

TaleTwister's Jackpot

Our last meeting started off with an enthusiastic if somewhat off-key rendition of “America”, led by instant volunteer DON NEVIASER. You can’t help noticing that when DON sees something that has to be done, he’s ready to jump in and do it. We all need more of that attitude. “Archbishop” BOB BOHN improvised an invocation, and President SAL led the Pledge of Allegiance.

It was reported that OTTO FESTGE is a patient at Alterra Wynwood of Madison West, 413 S. Yellowstone Dr., 53719, phone 277-1010. No further info available so far, but we hope he’ll be out soon.

STEVE BRIGGS was given an Old Monarch certificate from Lions Clubs International his 25 years of Lion service. He must have joined when he was 16. Sec./Zone Chairman JOHN JENSON made the presentation.

CHUCK BASFORD reported that we do have one inside refreshment stand to staff for Badger football games. It’s a chance to work with other Lions, have some fun, and make some money for our service work. We’ll share with other Lions Clubs (Arlington, in particular) and prorate the profits. If you can work a game or two, contact CHUCK (or see our web pages). Many Lions have expressed a wish to find ways to make money without selling product individually, and now we have them. Join in! Pres. SAL AL-ASHKAR thanked CHUCK for his continued efforts to keep these projects alive and for the internet scheduling it takes to do it.

The Diabetes Association has a fund-raising walk scheduled for October 8 at Warner Park. They could use some volunteers for registration and traffic management. See CHUCK BASFORD (more information).

JODI BURMESTER reminded us that we are participating in the statewide Wisconsin Lions Foundation raffle. Half the proceeds go to WLF to support our District projects, such as Lions Camp, and our Club gets the other half. Sounds like everybody wins, but we still have to sell the tickets. $5.00 each, five for $20.00. Grand Prize is a one -year car lease, there are a pair of Super Bowl tickets, NASCAR tickets, Milwaukee Bucks tickets, a couple one-night resort getaways and all kinds of rounds of golf. See JODI for tickets. We only have a couple more weeks to get this done, so time is of the essence!

Our speaker was Glen Loyd of Wisconsin Consumer Protection. He noted that 40 years ago, he worked as an asstistant editor at the Lion (International) Magazine, and in that capacity wrote a story about our Lions Camp. He went on to detail some of the current scams that are being pitched to consumers. “Gas mileage enhancers” are hot at the moment for obvious reasons, but so far none of them work. The Weights and Measures inspectors frequently find that packages contain less than stated product, even in school lunch milk cartons, and customers frequently pay for ice on food or packaging. Another scam in variations has an out-of-town group show up, rent a room in a nice hotel, and advertise a “buyers club” or something of the sort. They collect a substantial membership fee, issue ID cards, and leave town before consumers find out the cards are bogus. There are a lot of scams involving sending cash by Western Union, often to Canada, requested by someone impersonating a friend you know who supposedly is in trouble and needs cash. Some others we knew about but could stand a reminder - door-to-door repairmen, particularly after a storm, “free vacations” offered by mail, TV or internet, and supposed investment opportunities in “time shares” in other states. His main message: deal with local firms you know, and avoid these pitches. The oldest rule in the book: “if it seems too good be true, it probably is!”

Some interesting things are on the schedule for future meetings. WKOW-TV weatherman Bob Lindmeier, always an interesting speaker, is coming on October 14 and Awards Night is scheduled for October 24. November 7 we meet at Temple Beth El for a great lunch and a great program on Madison’s history. We need everyone at our meetings, and here are some good reasons to be there!