January 3, 2006, our next meeting, and the first of the new calendar year. We will pursue the events of our current Lion year, though, as the speaker will be District Governor Ken Hamilton. Presumably he will bring us the latest news and progress reports from Lions International. The DG has the benefit of years of experience in Lionism, and is able to widen our perspective to include the service we do as a statewide District and worldwide through the Lions International Foundation. Come and find out how much you have done to make the world a better place, and maybe something a little more that you can do. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host.

As an addendum, Dr. TOM STEVENS confirmed that we would be presenting our $10,000 to the UW Pediatric Eye Care Center at our next meeting. It should be a good photo opportunity with DG Ken there as well. Pediatric Ophthalmologist Dr. Dave Gamm will receive the check for the Center.

Our last gathering was our Winter Wonderland party. Great group, great food - one meeting for which the Rigadoon Room was a perfect setting, and Co-Chairpersons CHRIS WILZ and LINDA BERGREN put on a really nice party. The TailTwister pursued his fund-raising raffle (the pot is up to $204 and no winner yet.) There was a lot of conversation and vigorous snacking, CHRIS WILZ oversaw a Trivia Quiz, and a few light moments when THAYER BURNHAM got the “Solid As A Rock Award” for his dependability, DON NEVIASER got the “Pain In The Butt Award” for his consistent ability to bring lighthearted confusion and humor to our meetings, and President CHUCK BASFORD was presented the “Hats Off Award” for his unique Lion garb. Wonder what a Central Lion would receive for wearing a Lion vest to every meeting?

In a more serious vein, President CHUCK presented LINDA BERGREN with the Past President’s Certificate and Pin from the Club, and his own President’s Recognition Award, for her service in the previous Lion year. LINDA is one of those who lead by example — she’s always in the middle of one or more of our projects. CHUCK also gave a President’s Recognition Award to ART TAGGART for his two years of service as Club Treasurer.

Following a brief description of the Melvin Jones and Birch-Sturm Fellowships, which are presented by the Lions International Foundation and Wisconsin Lions Foundation, respectively, as their highest forms of recognition for dedication to service to humanity, WALT PRIDHAM and HAL OTTERBACK were presented Melvin Jones Fellowships and CRAIG BUTLER was presented a Birch-Sturm Fellowship. These three Lions have distinguished records of service to Lionism and received well-deserved applause as the awards were presented by PP LINDA, President CHUCK and PP STEVE BRIGGS.

The Lion Birthday celebration, recognizing the anniversaries and years of service of members who originally joined in October, November and December, was directed by MICHELLE VETTERKIND. Present to be acknowledged were DON NEVIASER, 4 years; MELISSA NOVINSKI, 12 years; CRAIG BUTLER, 13 years; PHIL STOWITTS, 18 years; CHUCK BASFORD, 19 years; WALT PRIDHAM, 24 years; JERRY HODDINOTT, 25 years; and HAL OTTERBACK, 36 years. Winners in the drawing for the gifts brought were LOUISE FRITZ, SCOTT GROVER, DAN STOUDT, JERRY MILLER, STEVE BRIGGS, PHIL STOWITTS, JERRY HODDINOTT and MELISSA NOVINSKI.

Sayings From The Dalai Lama

  1. Take into account that great achievements and great love involve great risk.
  2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
  3. Follow the three R’s - Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for your actions.
  4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
  5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

REPEATING: WHAT HAVE WE DONE LATELY; We’ve donated $200 to the District Youth Exchange Program, sent half our pledge to the Lions Eye Bank, and appropriated $10,000 towards the new UW Hospitals Pediatric Eye Clinic. And many Lions are working hard to raise more money by staffing the Kohl Center Concession Stand. That one could always use more help - See SCOTT GROVER or President CHUCK to volunteer.


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