Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 15, and we will hear Madison School Superintendent Art Rainwater, presumably telling us about the system’s achievements and challenges. There are plenty of challenges in school systems these days, with referendums going down everywhere, so this should be interesting and informative. JODI BURMESTER is the Program Host.

Using the term “Program Host” reminds the editor that ALEX WONG invented the term. We will need to find another pathfinder for the lunch line, because ALEX is WONG gone. He’s moved to the Chicago area and will transfer to a club in that area. ROSS ROYSTER led the line this week. MELISSA ABBOTT brought another guest, Atty. Jim Guckenberg. Nice to see new faces at our meetings — let’s have more!

At our last regular meeting, on November 1st, President CHUCK presided, OTTO FESTGE led the song, and DALE MUELLER gave the invocation. TT ROSS auctioned off a donated prize, and Dr. TOM STEVENS was high bidder. We were reminded that District Bowling will be January 21 & 22, and the Service Club Lunch is next Wednesday, November 16. UW coach Bielema is the speaker, and DON NEVIASER has the tickets to that one. SAL AL-ASHKAR will represent our Club at the Diabetes Awareness meeting on Saturday, November 19 at the Warner Park Community Center. Anyone seeking more info about diabetes is encouraged to attend.

President CHUCK reported that the Kohl Center food stand project looks like a “go”, with participation by the new UW Lions Club, McFarland LC, and possibly Madison West LC along with us. This is a chance to help raise some money, work together with other Lions, and maybe sneak a peek at UW Basketball. Many hands are needed and welcome - see President CHUCK or SCOTT GROVER. PHIL STOWITTS still has Bucky Books for sale - reported to have, in addition to many dining and golf coupons, some for free food from Cub, and available supplement books for out-of-town locations. See PHIL. DON NEVIASER ran the drawing for our Raffle, and prize winners, in order, were Paul Ernst, Mike George, David Hanson and Bob Reuter. LINDA BERGREN sold Mike George his ticket, and she reported back at our special lunch that Mike had donated the $250 cash prize back to our Foundation, to go to the new UW Pediatric Eye Clinic. A great gesture on his part - we thank him!

ED NEESE was presented his 50 Year Monarch pin, marking his years of service in our Club and sent from Lions International, by Secretary JOHN JENSON. ED is himself a Past Secretary and Past Bulletin Editor, and holds a Birch-Sturm Fellowship, recognizing his years of contribution to our Club’s service.

Speaker Diane Kleiboer told us about the work of Wisconsin Emergency Management Agency, which coordinates, among other things, 864 fire departments, 613 police departments and 440 EMTs. Obviously, these first responders will be just that in any situation in our area. Most incidents in Wisconsin are weather-related or hazardous material spills — there are two active and two deactivated nuclear power plants in or near us, and Wisconsin has received about $70 million in federal disaster aid in the past five years -about one Federal Disaster Declaration per year. Aid also can come from the USDA for drought and other crop problems. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which has been much in the news lately, is at the top of the chart, then Wisconsin EMA, and each county has its own Disaster Agency. Beyond that, there is a bewildering web of planners, responders and directors.

We had a special meeting on Tuesday, 11/8, making our annual visit to Temple Beth El. AL GOLDSTEIN was our host for the lunch, which was, as always, very tasty. A good group attended, President CHUCK ran the meeting, OTTO FESTGE led the song and “Archbishop” BOB BOHN gave an appropriate invocation.

AL “MR. G” GOLDSTEIN introduced the speaker, Larry Kohn, Education Director of the Temple. He gave us a lot of information on the current state of affairs between Israel and the Palestinians, as the Israelis proceed with a unilateral withdrawal from settlements in the Gaza Strip. He pointed out that the whole country of Israel was smaller than Lake Michigan, and distances were very short, meaning among other things that large areas of the country were within the range of Arab missiles. The withdrawal has had its difficulties, including the wish of displaced settlers to remain together as a community in some new location. Understandable, but not easy to achieve. He said that when the Egyptian border with Gaza was opened, weapons and terrorists came in, and pointed out long-standing connections between the Palestinian Authority and Fatah and other organizations dedicated to the destruction of Israel.

Media and web sites related to Gaza politics: recommended by Larry Kohn
   Israel Policy Forum
   Jewish Council for Public Affairs
   Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
   Israel National News
   Israel Behind the News.com
   Mideast Outpost

Regular Meeting December 6 — Music program by East High School Singers, directed by Brooksie Bilkey.
Special Meeting December 13 @ 5:30 — Social (bring guests), Awards, Lion Birthdays. Fun!!

Web Link of the Week — There are still opportunities for working at the Kohl Center Concession Stand.

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